Clairton does need a fixin' and I totally believe its going to happen sooner rather than later.
I'm glad to see people like Gary "Blue" Mullen trying to lead the charge to help fix what is wrong with the community.
First off I think its easy to say that; we must take guns, and drugs off of our streets. I want to go with another route.
This begins with 2 very important keys; Education and Jobs.
If we look back at the history of the human race we'll realize one major problem with society in general. And that is, people in poverty are the most uneducated and are prone to be the criminals in any given society.
If kids realize they don't have a future, then they simply aren't going to care about their education. And job creation requires some form of an education. What comes first in that equation; getting the kids- and their parents for that matter- to care or job creation.
When you look at Clairton's scores on the PSSA test there is an interesting development. Kids to up around the 6th grade are up 2 par, and then after 6th grade the scores go downhill and fast. So what exactly happens between Elementary, Middle, and then High School? My best guess is in Middle School kids are introduced to Drugs and Alcohol. We do need better Drug and Alcohol awareness to make sure kids don't go down that path. There really needs to be some kind of after school program to help tutor the kids.
Other things I'd work on is finding things for the kids to do. Rebuilding the local parks in the City would be a first step. Another step would be trying to attract a YMCA to come into town. Hosting basketball, football, and baseball tourney's would also be good.
With gas prices ever increasing; the need for a viable business sector increases. Miller & St. Clair Ave needs to be filled with a plethora of business's instead of broken windows and boards up. Another thought to help attracting people to Clairton is fixing up the Auditorium next to Snacks Unlimited and hosting local Comedy, Rap, Rock and yes even Country Acts.
Yes I know Blue Mullen, Mr. Batts Sr, and others have great idea's too and its a work in progress. I totally support them in their efforts. Clairton Restoration is a movement that I hope everyone from Clairton jumps on. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will Clairton. Its going to take a lot of hard work, failures, and patience to achieve what we all want; and that's a rebuilt Clairton!!!!