Friday, July 16, 2010

A Nation at a Crossroads

As we all know i'm more into the sports thing. But this is just one topic that is really vexing me as of late. It is that glorious thing we call the Cable News Media.

Not only do they tell the people that they want to hear. They preach hate more than any "Tea Party" or "Black Party" member. Lets get real for a minute. Its 2010 and normal society just isn't as racist as these morons protray society to be.

I just don't understand why someone that doesn't like Obama's Policy's, or supports Arizona's Law to get actually do something about Illegal Alien's is instantly assumed to be a racist.

And just earlier today Al Sharpton accused people that support State's Rights to be a racist. Does Al Sharpton know about the 9th and 10th Amendment? Does people really know what the Federal Government was originally intended to do? The Federal Government was intended to oversea intrastate trade, extradition of criminals, ect. Not a Health Care Bill, and Gun Control. Wiretapping, and having a private bank overseeing our economy.

This new Bill that Obama and the Democrats are pushing through isn't really needed. If the regulators before actually did their jobs in the first place we wouldn't have this problem today. So what makes me think that this new Bill is going to be enforced? On top of that it allows too big to fails to be broken up into splinter companies. So instead of having 1 terribly run company, we have 4-5 terribly ran companies. It makes no sense.

But somehow since the Republicans aren't for the Bill. The Liberal Media goes off the wagon saying that the Republicans are holding back progress. The sad thing is if the roles was reversed the Conservative media would say the same exact thing about the Democrats.

This country desperately needs to go back to its roots. State Rights is something I plan on talking to my Representives about, at the State and Federal Level. The Government should be working for us and not the other way around.

We are at a crossroads, do we continue this road of a 2 Party System that simply pushes their agenda's and don't listen to WE THE PEOPLE? And continue to let the media spread lies about the people to make us look like the bad guys. Or do we take back control of this country from the bottomm up. Its in our hands. Either wake up, or become a slave to the sytem. The choice is yours.


  1. True enough. Government is too big. It hasn't been "of the people" for a long time. But like technology, it is changing at an exponential rate right now. We desperately need a third party. I think it will likely get a lot worse before that happens, but I do think it will happen.

  2. I agree, we do need a 3rd Party.
