Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pitt to Big 10 Rumor

Let me be clear, i'm not down with starting rumors. I'm just commenting on the rumor from last month with my personal opinion on it. Plus as a Pitt fan I may have some homer opinions on this but i'm going to be as objective as possible.

My first thoughts are, is regaining the Penn St. rivalry worth losing the Backyard Brawl and the basketball rivalries with Villanova, Georgetown and UConn.

Money makes the world go around doesn't it. Thats what this whole Big 10 expansion is about. Can Pitt generate enough revenue for the rest of the league to at least break even?

I think the Big 10 does more for Pitt than Pitt does for the Big 10. Ohio St, Michigan, and Penn St. will obviously get Pitt fans excited and those games will be sold out games. The rest of Big 10 i'm not too sure about.

The most unfortanate part about expansion rumors are that money means more than tradition. Utah(another rumor) leaving the MWC could possibly end the Holy War with BYU. Its an exciting time right now but also depressing as the entire College Football landscape can change in front of our eyes.

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