Tuesday, May 17, 2011

BYU Might've Said No to the Big East; So Now What

So Brett Richins reported that BYU said no during informal overtures with the Big East recently in this article.

The most amazing thing while this "maybe" big news, his ground breaking leak is stuck towards the bottom of his blog.

While I do consider him a credible source, just because of his work in the past. I'm just curious to why in the hell to he leak this. Is there most legit news ready to break in the future or what.

I do want all of this news to be true for many reasons. BYU does add a lot to the conference. They bring the most rabid fan base from the non autoqualifying ranks. And they are a known entity across the college football world. And on top of it, they have a very good football history.

The timing of this "leak" is what makes make think there is something to this rumor. Next week is the Big East Spring Meetings. Plus you had WVU' A.D. Oliver Luck and Louisville's President Dr. Ramsey mention that the Big East may expand to 10 or 12 teams in the very near future. I'm not saying that this supposed leaked and the Big East chatter from an President and A.D. are related either. It just makes you open your eyes to this "leak" a little more than you usually would.

My biggest question is. Say this rumor is true, what is next? I'd assume that either BYU would either be trying to gauge its own fans/alum's reaction. If they support they move BYU would make it. Another idea would be that BYU is posturing for an all sports invite so the Cougars could play Big East Basketball.

I have no idea where the Big East would turn if BYU completely turned them down. Right now I really want to assume the Big East stays at 9.

That's simply because it really appears that the Big East just doesn't like the Conference USA options out there. Look at it this way, if Villanova is still the favorite to join after the 9 month flirtation, when will an UCF look attractive to the Big East.

At this point, I really think its BYU or nothing, until the next realignment of course. So sit back, grab yo popcorn and enjoy the ride. It could be fun filled excitement or as boring as that chick flick your girlfriend forces you to watch.


  1. Add BYU or just stay at 9. If we add BYU I'd be happy to stay at 10 and would be open to going to 12 since BYU compensates for whatever shortcomings 11 & 12 have.

  2. I think if we add BYU, we'll go to 12 with 2 schools from out west to accommodate travel for BYU.

  3. I'd be happy with any combination of AFA, BSU, or Houston. Heck, I'd even take Colorado State if it brought in BYU.

  4. I hear ya. At this point, I'm thinking this BYU stuff is hogwash. Only 1 source reporting this at this point, and its very vague.
