2011 equals Armageddon in my eyes. I can't remember a year when the sport of football is the sideshow while the main story has been some sort of controversy.
All summer long we had to deal with the NFL Lockout and wondering if the season was going to happen at all. Good to see Goodell, the owners, and the players put ego's aside and working on a new Collective Bargaining Agreement. Either way, it was definitely a scandal that lasted most of the summer.
Also during the summer months we had the Ohio State/Jim Tressel/ Terrell Pryor saga where players sold merchandise and for exchange they received tattoos. And on top of that players was receiving cars and other items from big money boosters.
At the University of Miami, you had the Nevin Shapiro-who ran an illegal ponzi scheme, hand out money to 72 players from 2002 through 2010. Some writers such as Dan Wetzel -of Yahoo Sports- indicated that Miami may receive the "Death Penalty".
From August on, the biggest news story has been College Football Realignment.
We saw Texas A&M and later the University of Missouri head to the SEC, while the University of Pittsburgh and Syracuse University head to the ACC and Texas Christian University and West Virginia University head to the Big XII.
In the middle of all the actual movement of schools you had various rumors like the University of Texas, Texas Tech, Oklahoma University, and Oklahoma State University going to the Pac 12, and the Big XII left over schools heading to the Big East.
Heck there was even rumors of Notre Dame sending its none football sports into the Big XII, Louisville trying to get into the Big XII, and UConn trying to get into the ACC.
There are some things still going on in the Realignment process as the Big East rebuilds itself. It appears that the University of Central Florida, University of Houston, and Southern Methodist University will be All Sports Members while Boise State University, Air Force Academy, and the Naval Academy will be football only schools. Different rumors out there indicate the number 12 sport could either be Brigham Young University or San Diego State University. Stay tuned I guess as that stuff shakes itself out.
If you thought that the Miami, and OSU's scandals was insane, then I guess you haven't been paying attention to what has been happening up in State College PA.
It is one of the most appalling story's I have ever followed and I'm just saddened by the way Joe Paterno's name will forever be tarnished. My grandfather adored JoePa, and I wonder what my pap would think about this situation if he was still here today. And the sad part is, it just feels like we haven't seen anything yet in regards on how big of a story this is going to get.
It just saddens me to see how greed and corruption is ruining the sport that I love. From lockouts, to players illegally getting paid, to 100 year rivalries being lost, and a child molestation scandal being swept under the rug, one must ask... when will this end? What more is out there waiting in the wings to be put to light? I'm just sick to my stomach right now.
Here's the worst part, I didn't touch on all of the various scandals this year. There are many more and I really just don't want to talk about anymore right now.
Even as a football crazed guy as I am, its even hard for me to get excited when a game comes on TV. And that's just a shame. It just seems like the only football that I truly give a damn about is High School football anymore. And how I feel right now, I could live with that.
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