Tuesday, June 14, 2011

WWE Creative Team Lacks Creativity

I'm not the biggest wrestling fan by any means. Its usually a filler for me when football season is over. But I've been paying a bit more attention to it this football offseason and it has been a bit pathetic.

Right now we basically have 1 Face(good guy) on each show(Raw and Smackdown) in John Cena and Randy Orton, and a stockpile of Heels(bad guys). There wouldn't be a problem with that if you would have Heel vs Heel feuds and right now you don't have that.

Basically what happens is you have some young Heel get a megapush and he'll lose to Cena or Orton and then rapidly fall to the midcard and even worse. Right now at least the Miz is in a feud with his once apprentice Alex Riley(A-Ri) and Sheamus is somewhat in the middle of the Orton-Christian feud. But other than that you have Jack Swagger doing nothing for the past 3-4 months, Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntire wrestling the weakest of the midcard. And then you have CM Punk just leading his New Nexus team and thats really it.

Now that the Corre has disbanded, it'll be interesting how Wade Barrett does in the heel role. Could he generate heat(boos from the crowd) like he did when he had a stable behind him. Its a interesting thought as they build his character. I don't mind him having the Intercontinental Belt, but the creative team ain't doing anything meaningful with the Midcard/Undercard Belts anymore.

The Raw card is what freaks me out the most. Why not Push a Jack Swagger or Dolph Ziggler as faces and have them feud with McIntire and CM Punk? At least you're somewhat building new stars. A-Ri as the #2 Face right is absurd. Maybe he drops down the card after his feud with the Miz, but A-Ri has to build himself as a credible wrestler. And honestly, when John Morrison(JoMo) returns, I could see a nice feud between him and R-Truth.

While the Smackdown Card isn't as bad(yet) I would def to like to see Sheamus moved into a Face Role. Not sure how you get him over as a Face just yet. My best guess is to have him feud with Christian over a few Pay Per Views either for the WWE Championship or just a feud while Ortan feuds with Barrett. I'm sorry I see nothing promising from Mark Henry as a Main Eventor. Maybe him vs Ezekiel Jackson could be a promising feud sometime this Summer. I'm totally not sure what you do with Sin Cara and Cody Rhodes, and this Jinder Mahal.

Fact of the matter is that there isn't a Tag Team division anymore, Cruiserweight is nonexistent, and the overall product is blah. I don't know the solutions, but it just gets the feel that the WWE is about Cena and Orton and everything else is irrelevant. That must change in a hurry or people just aren't going to watch anymore. Its sad that the WWE needs an appearance from Stone Cold or the Rock to get ratings up. 

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